On November 15th 2023 Rotary District 9640 DG Dave Harmon was invited to Parliament House Canberra with his DG Colleagues to launch the national Rotary-led campaign against Domestic and Family Violence.
Federal Member for Richmond, Assistant Minister for Social Services and the Prevention of Family Violence Justine Elliot hosted the event in the private courtyard of the Speaker of the House.
This is a first for Rotary in Australia.
Our District should be proud that we are leading this Rotary Zone 8 campaign. It has been over 30 years since our Zone has united for a common cause.
This is a whole of community approach and this is the model we are encouraging Rotary clubs to adopt throughout Zone 8.
Through community partnerships like the one we have formed with the NSW Police Force, we will be able to make positive change to this major social issue.
Thank you to the Ministers, Senators, and MPs who joined us for our DV launch. DG’s from across Australia, Regional leaders, Rotarians, Police, and representatives from Rotary International and Cherry Street Sports, all joined us in Canberra for this very special day.
Through community partnerships like the one we have formed with NSW Police, we will be able to make positive changes to this major social issue.
During the 16 Days of Activism 25 Nov – 10 Dec, Rotary Clubs from Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands will lead peaceful walks and activities. Together we ‘Say NO to Domestic & Family Violence’ and ‘YES to Respectful Relationships’.