Violence against women starts with disrespectful behaviour. Our campaign is about stopping this at the start.
In 2019, the Rotary Club of Ballina-on-Richmond, made a transformation from a fund raising club, to one that connected to social justice issues such as Domestic & Family Violence and Mental Health.  From there, the Rotary Says No to Domestic Violence Campaign was launched at a club level.  Fast forward a few years and the campaign was extended across our District and then, on 15 November 2023, then District Governor, Dave Harmon was invited to Parliament House Canberra with his DG colleagues to launch the national Rotary-led campaign against Domestic and Family Violence.  Federal Member for Richmond, Assistant Minister for Social Services and the Prevention of Family Violence, Justine Elliot hosted the event in the private courtyard of the Speaker of the House.  This was a first for Rotary in Australia.
Our District is proud that we are now leading this campaign across Rotary South Pacific (Zone 8).  It has been over 30 years since our Zone has united for a common cause.  This is a whole of community approach and this is the model we are encouraging Rotary clubs to adopt throughout the Zone.
If a member of the public or a fellow Rotary member shares with you about their current or past involvement in a Domestic and Family Violence situation or an abusive relationship, it is important to acknowledge that, while we are not trained professionals in this area, we are here to listen.  If they need further assistance, please refer them to 1800RESPECT or another appropriate support service.  If there is an immediate danger, call 000.

Cilck here for more information what to do, and not to do, when responding to disclosures.
There are two main focus areas -
  1. Raise awareness of, and advocate against, Domestic & Family Violence
  2. Educate our young people about Respectful Relationships
Specific actions that can be taken include -
  • Hold a peaceful community walk, public rally or other event during the global 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence, from 25 November to 10 December.
  • Connect your community with the ‘Purple Friday’ campaign.
  • Download and utilise case studies, presentations, media articles, banners and other materials, or order shirts from here.
  • Educate youth in your town/city about respectful relationships.  Nominate 1-2 members from your club or another organisation to be trained by NAPCAN (National Association for Child Abuse and Neglect) as Love Bites Facilitators
  • Sponsor a Love Bites Facilitator to deliver the Love Bites Program in your local school.
Find out more by downloading the club toolkit.
New resources have been linked below to support the 16 Days of Activism from 25 November to 10 December and include a video from NSW Police, featuring the Rotary South Pacific Regional Chair, Dallas Booth as well as a range of resources than can be used on social media and other digital platforms to support the campaign.  Download the resources below -