Club Assist
This page sets out the foundational legal requirements that all clubs must have in place, including constitutions and by-laws. Please also refer to the Annual Governance page for tasks that must be undertaken annually, including AGMs and reporting of accounts.
Please note that, whilst every attempt has been made to ensure that the information below is accurate, clubs are encouraged to check with the Rotary International and / or relevant statutory authority(ies) if in any doubt on the requirements they need to follow.
Queensland Based Clubs
All clubs (Rotary & Rotaract) in Queensland must be registered under applicable state based and federal regulations, along with adopting Constitutions & ByLaws in line with Rotary International standards and local laws. Please see below for information and links to assist in meeting these requirements.

Rotary Clubs in QLD must adopt the Standard Rotary Club Constitution. Clubs should review to make sure their own Constitution is in line with the standard.
Rotaract Clubs in QLD must adopt the Standard Rotaract Club Constitution. Clubs should review to make sure their own Constitution is in line with the standard.
Changes to the Standard Constitution documents may be made after each meeting of the Council on Legislation so clubs should ensure any changes are reflected in their own and ratified by members at a general meeting. Changes also meed to be advised to the QLD Office of Fair Trading - refer to this page for the relevant form for advising a change.

Rotary Clubs in QLD are encouraged to adopt the District 9640 Recommended Club ByLaws for QLD that incorporate the Rotary International standard with additional wording to align with state based requirements. Clubs can tailor the club ByLaws, provided their changes align with Rotary's constitutional documents and the Rotary Code of Policies.
Rotaract Clubs in QLD are encouraged to adopt the Standard Rotaract Club ByLaws set by Rotary International. Clubs are welcome to adapt the club Bylaws, provided the changes do not conflict with Rotary's constitutional documents, the Standard Rotaract Club Constitution, and the Rotary Code of Policies.
Any changes to ByLaws should be ratified by members at a general meeting.

Incorporated Associations
Both Rotary & Rotaract Clubs in QLD should be registered as incorporated associations.
Please refer to the QLD Office of Fair Trading information here and to this page for the relevant forms and links required to incorporate, or make subsequent changes to, an incorporated association.
Fundraising Registration
Rotary & Rotaract Clubs in QLD that raise any funds from the public should be sanctioned under the Collections Act (1966). Application for a sanction can made either by the Application for a Sanction (Form 5) or online (select Application for sanction)
Australian Business Number (ABN)
Rotary & Rotaract Clubs in QLD should register for an ABN which can be done here.
New South Wales Based Clubs
All clubs (Rotary & Rotaract) in New South Wales must be registered under applicable state based and federal regulations, along with adopting Constitutions & ByLaws in line with Rotary International standards and local laws. Please see below for information and links to assist in meeting these requirements.

Rotary Clubs in NSW must adopt the Standard Rotary Club Constitution with the addition of specific clauses to comply with NSW legislation. Clubs can download the template NSW Club Constitution which contains the additional clauses. Clubs should review to make sure their own Constitution is in line with the standard.
Rotaract Clubs in NSW must adopt the Standard Rotaract Club Constitution. Clubs should review to make sure their own Constitution is in line with the standard.
Changes to the Standard Constitution documents may be made after each meeting of the Council on Legislation so clubs should ensure any changes are reflected in their own and ratified by members at a general meeting.
Changes also meed to be advised to NSW Fair Trading - refer to the NSW Fair Trading website for the relevant form for advising a change.

Rotary Clubs in NSW are encouraged to adopt the District 9640 Recommended Club ByLaws for NSW that incorporate the Rotary International standard with additional wording to align with state based requirements. Clubs can tailor the club ByLaws, provided their changes align with Rotary's constitutional documents and the Rotary Code of Policies.
Rotaract Clubs in NSW are encouraged to
adopt the Standard Rotaract Club ByLaws set by Rotary International. Clubs are welcome to adapt the club Bylaws, provided the changes do not conflict with Rotary's constitutional documents, the Standard Rotaract Club Constitution, and the Rotary Code of Policies.
Any changes to ByLaws should be ratified by members at a general meeting.

Incorporated Associations
Both Rotary & Rotaract Clubs in NSW should be registered as incorporated associations.
Please refer to the NSW Fair Trading website for further details and for the relevant forms and links required to incorporate, or make subsequent changes to, an incorporated association.
Fundraising Registration
Whilst exemptions apply to fundraising under $15,000 per annum, it is highly recommended that all Rotary & Rotaract Clubs in NSW that raise funds from the public apply for an Authority to Fundraise by following the steps outlined on the NSW Government Website
Australian Business Number (ABN)
Rotary & Rotaract Clubs in NSW should register for an ABN which can be done here.