Club Assist

This page sets out the annual governance requirements for clubs, including financial reporting requirements, membership updates and invoicing. as well as providing links and useful information on how to complete them.  For legal setup requirements such as constitutions and bylaws, visit the Club Legal Requirements page.

Please note that, whilst every attempt has been made to ensure that the information below is accurate, clubs are encouraged to check with the relevant statutory authority(ies) if in any doubt on the requirements they need to follow.
The calendar below is a guide to the key compliance events that all clubs should complete from a governance perspective.  The Club Secretary & Club Treasurer, with support from the Club President, are primarily accountable for ensuring these actions are taken.  Further information on these requirements can be found in the section below.
First Half (Jul-Dec)
  • JUL - RI Invoice Due (1 Jul - 31 Dec)
  • JUL - District Invoice Due (1 Jul - 30 Jun)
  • JUL - RDU Subscription Invoice Due (1 Jul - 31 Dec)
  • JUL - Confirm Club Budget for coming year
  • JUL - Update any changes to club officers with the Australian Business Register (ABR) and NSW Fair Trading or QLD Office of Fair Trading as appropriate.
  • OCT - Complete ATO Self Review Return (by 31 Oct *)
  • NOV - Prepare for AGM, including preparation (and audit if applicable) of financial reports - different rules apply for QLD and NSW based clubs
  • DEC - Hold AGM (by 31 Dec)
  • DEC - Update RI, District & RDU membership (by 31 Dec)
  • DEC - Forward annual return and financials to relevant state authority (by 31 Dec in QLD and 1 month after AGM in NSW)
* For first year of operation (2024), required by 31 Mar 2025.
Second Half (Jan-Jun)
  • JAN - RI Invoice Due (1 Jan - 30 Jun)
  • JAN - RDU Subscription Invoice Due (1 Jan - 30 Jun)
  • JAN - Update names of incoming club officers (RI & District)
  • MAR - Deadline for Insurance & Compliance Declaration (1 Mar)
  • APR - Commence handover with incoming officers
  • JUN - Update RI, District & RDU membership (by 30 Jun)
The information below is designed to assist clubs to complete the areas noted above.  If you have further questions or concerns, please feel free to email the District Treasurer, District Secretary or District Insurance Officer as appropriate.
Clubs will receive five invoices during the year (three in July and two in Ianuary) -
  • Rotary International (RI) Dues - Twice Annually (Jul & Jan)
  • District 9640 Dues (including Insurance) - Annually (Jul)
  • Rotary Down Under (RDU) Dues - Twice Annually (Jul & Jan)
All these invoices are based on membership data at at 30 June (or 31 December) so it is important this data is kept up to date in the respective databases (see below).
Changes should be made as soon as possible, whenever they occur, with particular attention to be paid to the deadlines noted above (prior to 31 December and 30 June respectively).
Please refer to the Manage Club & Member Data page for assistance in making these changes to the relevant Rotary databases (RI, District & RDU)
It is also important that clubs update any officer changes with the following as appropriate  - 
Clubs should complete a budget either prior to the end of, or early in, each Rotary year for approval by the Club Board.  Consider operational expenses, projects, grants etc when setting a budget.  A sample budget can be found here.
All clubs must complete an annual insurance declaration to ensure coverage under the District Insurance policy.  More details can be found on the Risk & Insurance page.
Commencing with the 2023-2024 year, all clubs must complete the Not for Profit (NFP) Self Review with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to confirm exemption from completing a tax return.   Below are some suggested steps / information about completing this process -


  1. Review this video from the ATO on the new requirements

  2. Before you lodge your not-for-profit (NFP) self-review return, you should review your NFP's governing documents and prepare your NFP self-review return answers.

  3. Once you've completed these steps, you can lodge your NFP self-review return through Online Services for business.  If you're lodging online, you may need to complete a few steps (including ensuring all contacts have a MyID setup and that organisation contact details are setup correctly) to access Online services for business before you lodge. Download the step-by-step overview at NFP self-review return – update, connect and lodge

  4. Set up an annual process to update the required contacts and submit the return in following years.

Full information on the requirements, and details on how to lodge the return, can be found on the ATO Website.
Finally, all clubs are asked to advise the District Treasurer that they have completed the requirements.
An AGM must be held within 6 months of the end of the Rotary year end (30 June), therefore an AGM must be held by 31 December. 
Notice of an AGM should generally be given at least 14 days prior to the meeting.  At any AGM, a minimum of the following resolutions should be considered -
  • Confirmation of the previous years minutes.
  • The annual financial accounts (audited if applicable) for the most recent Rotary year.
  • Report (verbal or written) from the President (or other substitute officer) of the clubs activities for the most recent Rotary year.
  • Appointment (and election as appropriate) of nominees for Board positions commencing 1 July the following year.  Procedures for doing so should be in line with the Club's Constitution & ByLaws, including dealing with any vacancies that may arise.
  • Confirmation of auditor (if applicable) for the current year.
A quorum, as specified in the Club's Constitution & ByLaws is required to pass any resolutions and a copy, signed by the Secretary & President of the minutes should be kept.
The requirement for an audit of financial reports varies based on the Assets or Gross Revenue (all income, prior to expenses) of the club -
  • Small Associations (Assets <$300k AND Gross Revenue <$150k)

    Statement by President or Treasurer to verify Financial Report

  • Medium Associations (Assets $300k - $1m OR Gross Revenue $150k - $500k)

    Registered Auditor / Certified Accountant to verify (or audit) Financial Report

  • Large Associations (Assets >$1m OR Gross Revenue >$500k)

    Registered Auditor / Certified Accountant to audit Financial Report
You can read more about the specific financial reporting requirements for incorporated associations in QLD here.
By 31 December each year, all clubs in QLD must also lodge, through the Office of Fair Trading, an annual return which includes confirmation of club officers (President, Secretary & Treasurer), along with a copy of the club's financial report for the most recent Rotary year.  A lodgement fee is payable.
Note that requirements for audit noted above are under relevant government regulations applicable to associations - audits may still be required based on other factors (such as Club ByLaws & Funding Arrangements)
The requirement for an audit of financial reports varies based on the Assets or Gross Revenue (all income, prior to expenses) of the club -
  • Tier 2 Associations (Assets <=$500k AND Gross Revenue <=$250k)

    No audit of Financial Report is required

  • Tier 1 Associations (Assets >$500k OR Gross Revenue >$250k)

    Registered Auditor / Certified Accountant to audit Financial Report
Fair Trading provides more information about the  financial reporting requirements for Tier 2 Associations and Tier 1 Associations including what needs to be lodged with the annual return (see below)
Within 1 month of the AGM each year, all clubs in NSW must also lodge, through Fair Trading, an annual return.  A lodgement fee is payable.  The required form differs by association type and can be accessed via the links below - 
Note that requirements for audit noted above are under relevant government regulations applicable to associations - audits may still be required based on other factors (such as Club ByLaws & Funding Arrangements)